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I'm Thenessa.

AKA purple x moss

I'm a clinical healthcare worker and biologist turned self-taught developer looking to make the world (wide web) a better, more beautiful place. I'm currently working with the startup community at Flux Makerspace, and looking for my first dev role! I'm enthusiastic about open source, responsive design, and elegant execution. I'm data-driven, and a creative at heart.

While my background is primarily in healthcare and research, working with software and the web has been integral throughout my education and career. Some examples include: analyzing genomic data using bioinformatics tools in grad school, teaching myself a financial analysis software package to generate data reports demonstrating discriminatory lending practices while working in nonprofit, and serving as the go-to person for email marketing, content strategy and website design in various communties I'm involved in. As a Clinic Lead at an ophthalmology practice, I've also worked directly with patients with degenerative vision conditions, and care deeply about creating a smooth, accessible user experience for all.

I bring good energy, efficiency, and empathy in any circumstance. I learn quickly, but also thoroughly. I ask for help when I need it, and am also more than happy to lend it. If you think I'd be a good fit for a position or project, please do not hesitate to contact me!

How I Stack Up:

HTML CSS JavaScript SQL Python SVG Bootstrap

actively learning:

♢ Node.js
♢ APIs
♢ React.js
♢ Adobe XD